Open & Lift Your Energy
Part 1 - 12 Mat Sequences
This sequence is an excellent way to lift your energy build your upper body awareness and strength. The upper portion of the torso is greatly under discovered and awareness here can provide unexpected positive results in the rest of your body including stress reduction, increased energy, heightened immune function, relief from low back discomfort to name a few. If you have chronic neck, thoracic or shoulder issues do this routine gently and make sure you have done some kind of warm up first. you will need a roller and may want a hand towel for your forehead when prone.
Up Next in Part 1 - 12 Mat Sequences
Resilience in the World Around You
This sequence is great for everyone who feels slightly off balance physically or energetically. Balance is related in my understanding to flexibility, strength and suppleness but all these add up to resilience moving through you life. We are addressing the core and foot and how they pertain to ...
Wow this Moves
The roller is an amazing tool; great for deep release work, challenging balance work, increasing strength demands. This sequence is a taste of the many potential options and exercises modified with this tool. You will need a roller of medium firmness.
Wow this Roller Really Moves
This sequence goes into a deeper exploration of how to use the roller to increase your body’s ability to find center, be supple and strong. You will need a roller of medium firmness.